Installing the Boss of the SOC (BOTS) Datasets

DetectionLab includes scripts to install the Splunk BOTSv2 and BOTSv3 datasets and all of their recommended apps.


From the logger host, simply run:

BOTSv2: chmod +x /vagrant/scripts/ && /vagrant/scripts/

BOTSv3: chmod +x /vagrant/scripts/ && /vagrant/scripts/

If for some reason those files aren’t available, you can access them directly in Github:

Once installed, you can query the data in Splunk with: index=botsv3 earliest=0

I recommend bumping the RAM on logger to 8GB+ if you can. Life gets really bad when logger uses all of its 4GB of memory and starts paging to disk

Further Reading

Read more about the BOTSv2 and BOTSv3 datasets here:

A walkthrough of BOTSv3 is also available here: